Does your business need a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Service?  San Diego Tech Support is your collaborative partner in cybersecurity and Risk assessment services.

An essential component to developing and maintaining an efficient network security posture is a Security Risk Assessment (SRA).  Our cyber security consultants can prepare assessments in alignment with any well-known compliance standards as well as industry best practices.  The objective of a SRA is to identify any known cybersecurity risks or gaps; and usually identifying an action set to re-mediate the gaps that we’ve come encountered.

Our consultants have provided Risk Assessments for a variety of clients on a national level.

As a boutique security company, our team can prepare a TRA which is narrow and specialized to areas of particular concern, or one which is broader in scope and covering a multitude of possibilities (ie. to assist in the development of a Business Continuity Plan or Emergency Response Plan).

The standard process of a comprehensive Physical Security Threat and Risk Assessment includes:

Asset Identification
The client/community/property assets are itemized and prioritized.  Cost vs Benefit analysis is a key factor of approaching the improvement of security counter-measures.

Threat Analysis
For each asset, the potential threats are determined based on historical research and future projections.  Root causes of each threat are considered, and then categorized by their likelihoods of occurrence and possible damage/harm.

Risk Assessment
Information on assets and threats are compared, and risk patterns emerge.   Considered in the evaluation are the likelihood, severity, impact, cost, and time required to return operations to normal.  We can identify and evaluate the level of risks specifically.

Risk Management
San Diego Tech Support cyber security professionals will provide recommendations and suggestions for improvement based on industry best practices and local laws, acts, and standards.  Cost effective, realistic, and appropriate solutions and security measures are described and presented.

We have the capability to also provide a full security audit, which provides additional information regarding existing and proposed security infrastructure, including personnel training and performance, applicable procedures and policies, as well as network physical security design properties.

Our Managed Cybersecurity Services will proactively

  • monitor your network traffic
  • report network traffic anomalies such as analysis reporting for traffic for well-known risky TCP IP ports for traffic behavior and patterns
  • RDP attacks
  • DOS attacks
  • and overall take all known precautions to keep your network safe

If you think you would like to take the next step, reach out to San Diego Tech Support today to set a no-obligation conversation regarding your business network and cybersecurity requirements.  (973)343-5479.